10 Most Underwhelming Final Fights In Video Games

2. Lambent Brumak - Gears Of War 2

spider man 2018 doc ock
Microsoft Studios

What is it with final bosses who just stand there and let you kill them? Is it a deadline issue? A budget issue? Whatever the case, Gears Of War 2's Lambent Brumak falls squarely in this category.

Brumaks are an iconic enemy type from the series. Featured heavily in the original game's marketing, it delivered. The Brumak fight was one of Gears' standout moments. Covered in armor and weapons, you had to fight while seeking cover from its hail of gunfire and rapid, relentless advancement.

So at the end of Gears 2, when you witness a Brumak fall into the mutagenic Imulsion substance, you think you're in for a championship bout. Other similarly mutated enemies - referred to as Lambent - are typically stronger and less predictable, so when the Brumak emerges even bigger and covered in huge, lashing tentacles, it's pretty intimidating.

...Until you realize that he's completely immobile and you're in a helicopter with a targeting gun that fires a massive laser from an orbiting satellite. You basically just fly around the thing, holding down the fire button until it dies. Then cut scenes do the rest.


At 34 years of age, I am both older and wiser than Splinter.