10 Most Unexpectedly Powerful Video Game Villains

7. Atlas/Frank Fontaine - Bioshock

metal gear rising senator armstrong

Perhaps one of the greatest betrayals in all of video games is when your good old Irish buddy Atlas reveals that not only is he the bad guy, he's actually been from the Bronx this entire time.

Previously, Atlas was with the player throughout the entire game, constantly guiding them and presenting himself as an everyday man just like you. When it turns out he was actually Frank Fontaine the entire time (leader of a rebellion group in Rapture before it all went to hell) obviously the player will be rather upset.

But oh well, betrayals happen, people lie, it's all par for the course. Sure Atlas betrayed you but he's just a regular guy, right?

Well he was, before he pumped himself so full of ADAM - the game's resident superpower juice - that he balloons bigger than Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime.

What comes this experimentatiion is a superhuman freak and the final boss of the game. Atlas powers up and comes at the player with more force than anything they've ever fought before, and he does it all while looking like a rejected Prometheus alien.


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