10 Most Unexpectedly Powerful Video Game Villains

6. A Bunch Of Rats - Any Warhammer: Fantasy Game.

metal gear rising senator armstrong

The Warhammer universe is a dark one indeed. Filled with creatures of absolute abstract terror and destruction, the world is one that not only was on the edge of destruction for many years in the end times, but it actually ended - as in it's all gone. The bad guys won.

So what the hell was powerful enough to do that? Daemons? Chaos? Maybe even some of the undead? While all of them contributed in some way, the actual answer is rats. Yes you read that correctly, just a lot of big mean rats - except they all come equipped with mini nukes strapped haphazardly on their backs.

Admittedly there is a bit more to the Skaven than just being big rats, but still, that's the generals gist of it. So whenever they show up in any Warhammer-related works it's always a bit of a shock to newer players that these are the things that raised the entire Old World like it was nothing.

What the Skaven lack in raw intimidation they make up for in sheer number. Seriously, imagine one thousand regular rats swarming your kitchen, how well would you handle that?

Now inject them with some steroids and welcome to Warhammer.


The worlds leading expert on just what the hell anything means in Metal Gear Solid.