10 Most Unique Multiplayer Games Of All Time

3. Natural Selection

Journey PS3
Unknown Worlds Entertainment

How unique is Natural Selection? So unique that many people never bothered to play the game, as they weren’t quite sure what to make of it.

On a very basic level, Natural Selection is a mix of the first person shooter and real-time strategy genres. It pits aliens against marines in traditional shooter combat while players on both sides command the action through a more traditional real-time strategy view. 

From there, it adds quite a few complications. Each team handles resources differently, aliens have their own hierarchy of commands, you have to consider territories and structures at all times… things get overwhelming pretty quickly.

Yet that’s exactly what makes Natural Selection so brilliant. It created an entirely unique way to approach multiplayer gaming and offered no compromises along the way. This is a wholly original game that requires you to learn a host of new techniques and then rewards you appropriately for doing so. 

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An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.