10 Most Unique Multiplayer Games Of All Time

2. Spy Party

Journey PS3
Chris Hecker

Although Spy Party is only in beta, it has already proven itself to be one of the most inspired and entertaining multiplayer experiences that gaming has ever offered.

Spy Party is a two player multiplayer game that has one player take control of a sniper assassin and the other player control a spy attending a party who the sniper is tasked with eliminating. 

The twist here is that the sniper doesn’t know which guest he is assigned to kill. Instead, the sniper must observe the movements of the guests to determine who is the spy. Meanwhile, the spy must complete a series of objectives while blending in with the other guests.

What follows is the ultimate game of cat and mouse. While new players will find that the sniper has the advantage as inexperienced spies will reveal themselves quickly, enough experience quickly shifts the dynamic as the sniper must pick up on subtle clues to find their target. 

Regardless of your role, though, this is a game that produces memorable experiences with every outing. 

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An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.