10 Most Unreliable Video Game Companions Ever

9. Dead Rising - Any Survivor

Witcher 3 roach

Frank West may have covered wars, y'know, but nothing could prepare him for this. Not the zombie outbreak, he handles that quite well, surprisingly.

No, I refer to the arduous task of making sure those he rescues actually make it to the rescue point.

Now, it'd be fair to think some in need of rescuing would adhere to their saviour and follow their commands. Alright, some disarray and panic may ensue.

Yet in Dead Rising, where Frank can yell, "Follow me!" and some will indeed follow, but not at all. So players might think, "Right, let's arm them. Give them a fighting chance whilst they follow Frank".

That's just worse, as a plank of word to a survivor turns them into a would-be Conan the Barbarian. With about the self-preservation instinct of a lemming. Like unsupervised kids in a play pen, taking your eyes off of what a survivor's doing is lethal. Lose that focus and you'll be seeing, "Sophie has died" before you know it.

At least the Pied Piper had it easy. The rats didn't mutiny or refuse to follow him to apparent safety.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.