10 Moves We Can't Wait To See In WWE 2K15

5. Running High Knee

Daniel Bryan debuted this move during Summerslam against John Cena. It was one of the most unexpected premiers of a finisher in recent memory and Cena looked to have been royally knocked the hell out. It was nothing like we were used to seeing from finishers before. This isn't a new move in WWE games as 2K14 had included this, however, it lacked the same devastation that it portrays on TV. Although it looked pretty sweet it didn't feel like a finisher by any stretch of the imagination. Hopefully 2K have revamped this move entirely and shaped a better looking final product. To complete the look, his wake up taunt has to be very realistic. Before inflicting his finisher, Bryan is kneeling at a corner and shaking his head like a rabid dog to hype himself up whilst the WWE universe are chanting YES at the top of their lungs. The crowd dynamics and appearance have been totally redone from the ground up so it would feel like a truly realistic representation of what we're used to.
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WWE 2K15
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Law graduate. Dream is to serve the public by day and parade around as Batman by night. Although, the latter would be more desirable if honest. Huge gaming aficionado. That pretty much sums up it up.