10 Moves We Can't Wait To See In WWE 2K15

4. Stinger Splash

Sting's inclusion in the new WWE game brings with it a lot of new and exciting things. Not only do we finally get to play as the icon but we also have the added bonus of watching him walk out to his iconic entrance music, as well as deliver some of his signature moves that have never been incorporated in these games. One such move, is the Stinger Splash. There have been some knock offs in previous games but nothing that's even came close to resembling the real deal. This will most likely be Sting's signature in the game and to give the full effect, the opponent should be thrown to a corner with Sting placing himself on the opposite corner prompting the signature. With the help of some snazzy looking cinematics, this promises to be one of the better additions to the game. This is one of Sting's personal innovations that has please fans for years. On paper it seems very simplistic but he managed to make it into something very special. Hopefully 2K have gone that step further and allowed for multiple signatures, as we saw sting deliver this move to multiple opponents, multiple times.
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WWE 2K15
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Law graduate. Dream is to serve the public by day and parade around as Batman by night. Although, the latter would be more desirable if honest. Huge gaming aficionado. That pretty much sums up it up.