10 Movies You Never Knew Had Their Own Video Game

9. Wayne's World

John Wick Hex

Wayne's World is undeniably one of the most iconic comedy franchises of the 1990s, but did anything about it remotely suggest it was ripe for a video game spin-off, let alone two?

That's right, in 1993 THQ published two different Wayne's World platform games - one for the NES and Game Boy, the other for the SNES and Mega Drive, neither of them much good.

The first is a bland, depressingly basic platformer with virtually none of the charm that made the movie such a hit, and to make matters worse the in-game representations of Wayne and Garth are embarrassing to say the least.

The SNES/Mega Drive versions are unsurprisingly more colourful and faithful to the aesthetic of the movie, and tout the amusingly ridiculous setup of Wayne and Garth being sucked into the arcade game Zantar featured in the film. Sadly, though, only Wayne is a playable character.

Just because you can do something, THQ, doesn't mean you should. Not a single solitary soul ever needed a Wayne's World game in their life, and certainly not two.

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John Wick
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.