10 Nasty Video Game Levels Designed To Torture You

1. Nightmare Of Mensis - Bloodborne

Underwater mission

Exactly what it says on the tin: Bloodborne's final act marks the point where FromSoft cast caution to the wind and did its damnedest to stop as many Hunters as possible from returning to the Dream for the final confrontation with ol' man Gherman.

Nightmare of Mensis isn't torturous - no, that would be sugar-coating it - it's a realm of pure agony where awful gameplay concepts live, including, but not limited to, stealth mechanics in an action-RPG (because those always work so well, right?) cheap enemies and a hair-pulling boss encounter where victory is decided, not by player skill, but luck.

Screw you, Micolash.

As for you, Winter Lanterns, and your detestable Frenzy gimmick - you belong in this cesspool of Lovecraftian horrors. Unavoidable damage, especially in games such as Bloodborne, sucks, not least when it's sight-based and constant.

Smart idea; poorly executed.

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Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.