10 Needless Video Game Features We Could All Do Without

6. Lazy Boss Design And Bullet Sponge Bosses

A boss fight should be challenging, difficult and most importantly it should be unique. Boss fights have the potential to be one of most memorable moments of a game, just like the final epic confrontation with Bowser in Super Mario 64, fighting Sephiroth in Final Fantasy 7, or the iconic tussle with Revolver Ocelot in Metal Gear Solid. However, it's rare that a boss fight does capture the true essence of a character in how it plays out, usually the boss fight is steered more towards the difficulty aspect of things. More often than not, a boss in a mainstream game will be a simple matter of damage, damage, damage with little thought or innovation incorporated. FPS's and shooters in particular are renown for having these kind of bosses, who usually just act as expanded versions of enemies who take 100 times the amount of damage to kill. Borderlands 2 and the final confrontation with Handsome Jack stands out in memory as one of the most disappointing, after being antagonized by him the entire game.

Sam is an experienced Film, Gaming and Wrestling writer, critic and journalist who was written for a vast number of different entertainment websites. Follow him on twitter at @Sams_Reel_Views.