10 No-Brainer Video Game Sequels That DIDN'T Get Made

Sequels we all wanted, but they never arrived.

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Sequels are often big business in the gaming scene; once you've established a series that resonates with the masses, it's time to expand. How do you go "bigger, better and more badass" as Cliffy B put it? You can generate a lot of anticipation under this banner, doubly so if it's a title many have been clamouring for.

A game that warrants a sequel was able to make a big impact because of its high critical reception among reviewers and fans alike, or it may have been a brilliant use of a popular license that already has a community lining up to demand a follow-up.

Developers are often at the whim of their publishers and when an IP is no longer financially viable, they won't hesitate to shelve a project and move on. Chasing the most popular trends in the industry is now more popular than ever and with development getting more expensive, creative freedom is lessened.

These are the ten sequels that were planned, but never made it past the finish line. They were abruptly cancelled or converted into less impressive projects over time.

10. Knights Of The Old Republic 3

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Before Star Wars games fell under the banner of Electronic Arts, there were some real gems to found from a multitude of developers under the publisher Lucasarts. One of the most revered and enjoyed was Knights of the Old Republic, developed by Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment respectively.

Taking place thousands of years before the events of the films, KOTOR and its sequel, The Sith Lords, were both very deep role-playing titles with equally engrossing stories to tell. The way players could craft the Jedi or Sith Lord they wanted to be throughout the narrative created an unparalleled experience in the galaxy far, far away.

So why wasn't there a third game? It comes down to the numerous projects Bioware took on afterwards. They went from Jade Empire through to Mass Effect without so much of a hint of KOTOR 3. Obsidian had also moved on, having been put through an incredibly tight deadline to complete the second game. With that title having an inconclusive cliffhanger ending, this only increased hopes for a third entry.

What fans got instead was Star Wars: The Old Republic, an MMO that failed to impress investors or knock World of Warcraft off its lofty perch. It wasn't quite the successor they had wanted.


A tough but fair writer and critic broadly covering games, movies and just about every type of entertainment media. Spent a good part of the last seven years blogging and more recently, making amateur videos under "The Cainage Critique". You can follow my work on my website https://robc25.wixsite.com/thecainagecritique and my YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCftJ6WcozDaECFfjvORDk3w