10 Notorious Video Games That Ask You To Sacrifice Your Social Life

8. The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

Though not necessarily the most complicated game on this list by current gaming standards, completing Ocarina Of Time was a feat that garnered somewhat of a cult status around the time of its original release back in 1998. As the first Zelda game translated into a 3D graphic world and with a brand new control system for players to master, this game offered gamers a serious challenge in their quests to overcome it. The 3DS remake unnecessarily attempted to recreate the legacy of a game that never really needed such a boost in the first place. Ocarina Of Time is a game that defined a generation for many gamers at the end of the 90s and is probably one that your older brothers and sisters would perhaps still identify as the game they spent the most time with in their adolescence. Not for its insane difficulty or pointlessly drawn-out story but simply because of its importance for gaming at the time, this title carries with it a legacy that has found it's way into various other mediums over the past sixteen years, an example being American band 'Motion City Soundtrack' making reference to the importance of completing this game in their song '@!#?@!', stating "In early '99 I beat the Ocarina Of Time; I'm quite the legend in this town". It may not have been the most complicated game ever, but at the time it was so important that gamers everywhere lost a good week or two in pursuit of joining the legions who had finished it.

Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.