10 Notorious Video Games That Ask You To Sacrifice Your Social Life

5. Super Mario World

It seems a little crazy to think that the simple, side-scrolling adventures of everybody's favourite plumber could make this list, but there was far more to Super Mario World than met the undedicated eye. Despite being a fairly large game to begin with, Super Mario World also included various secret levels and special stages. Many younger versions of us entirely missed all of this within the game, but should you ever return with your matured game-face on, there's a truely timeless glory to these worlds. It was devastating to consider that these levels could have been so easily overlooked, but if the game is played at speed and only taken at face value it's not hard to see why. The various hidden features of this game are mostly linked and are pretty straightforward to access in retrospect, for example the 'Star World' set can be accessed through various well-hidden paths in the game's regular levels. Completing specific sequence of events in these levels leads players into a further special stage, and beating this can then lead on to a further alternate stage. Believing that this game was just as simple as running all the way through was probably the reason that this author would never make a competent detective!

Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.