10 Obscenely Evil Video Game Villain Plans

9. Creating An Obedient Child - Bioshock

final fantasy 14

Andrew Ryan and Frank Fontaine were always two different slices of the same bastard when all's said and done. They just differed on who got to be the top bastard of their little objectivist nightmare city at the bottom of the ocean. But, as the war raged on, both men turned to the idea of legacy.

And what they did with that idea is nothing short of horrifying.

Andrew Ryan produced a child named Jack. He then had his contemptuous fiend of a doctor, Suchong, play musical chairs with the baby's physiology. This caused Jack to age rapidly over the course of a year, as well as respond to different commands, with some affecting his body, while the most famous one - Would You Kindly - making him obey any order given. Suchong demonstrated this control in the most Suchong way he could, by ordering a young Jack to break a puppy's neck.

Anyway, cut to a year later and the iconic opening of the game, what happened there? Well, Frank whisked Jack away the second he figured out what was going on with him, and then a year later, ordered him to return to Rapture when he set in motion his plan to bring Andrew Ryan down once and for all.

For a silent protagonist, Jack is given a lot of sympathy by the player by the simple fact that he has spent his entire life at the mercy of two corrupt men who never saw him as a person, but rather a tool.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?