10 Obscure Consoles You've Probably Never Heard Of

1. Apple Bandai Pippin

Possibly the most high profile failure ever in the history of gaming, the Apple Bandai Pippin is a part of their history that both these companies want to forget. When US computer giants Apple teamed up with Japanese toy company Bandai in 1996 to produce a games console everybody rightly thought that it had potential to take the world by storm. Based on the popular Apple Macintosh computer the Pippin boasted some impressive specs for the time. Confusingly the Japanese version of the console would be known as the Atmark while in Europe it would be called the @WORLD, the marketing of the console was without doubt its biggest problem. Even games such as Marathon (the first title by Bungie), Power Rangers Zeo and Shock Wave couldn€™t save the console from a painful death. Only 42,000 units were sold worldwide before both companies pulled the plug just a year later. Bandai went on to merge with arcade game giants Namco while Apple never re-entered the games industry.
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Kieren is from England and is a well known figure in gaming circles. As a writer he is probably best known for his work on the award-winning Retro Gamer magazine but over the years he has written for numerous publications and websites. A keen games collector himself, he is also the organiser of several UK-based gaming events and has a big social media presence.