10 Obscure Video Game Endings You've Never Seen

7. Pulling The Plug - Inside

Tomb Raider Underworld

Inside is one of the most original video games of the last decade, and its regular ending comes as such a mind-melting surprise that you'd be forgiven for failing to consider the existence of an alternate one.

But indeed, players who locate and deactivate all 14 orbs hidden throughout the game will unlock this bewildering secret ending. You then need to return to the Farmland, the second major area in the game, open the nearby hatch, and enter the bunker.

This will lead you to a three-way lever which requires a specific sequence of directional inputs to be performed - the solution to which can be found near several of the orbs.

Solving this puzzle will bring you to a sparse control room with a giant plug at the end. If players pull it out, the protagonist suddenly goes limp, the game fades to black, and it abruptly ends.

Fans have theorised about the ending's meaning, some suggesting it's a metaphor - with a heavy emphasis on meta - that the boy is unplugging himself from the player's own control, hence why he goes limp.

Alternatively, the boy may simply have unplugged everyone under mind control within this ambiguous dystopian world. It's not quite as wacky as being assimilated into a giant blob and going on a murderous rampage, but it's still pretty damn weird, right?

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Tomb Raider
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.