10 Obvious Video Game Plot Holes NO ONE Talks About

5. Rakghouls Can't Infect You - Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic

uncharted 4 elena

While exploring the slums in Knights of the Old Republic, you'll be warned by the locals that the area is infested with mutants called rakghouls. If anyone gets bitten or scratched by these abominations, they will transform into a rakghoul within hours. Unless an infected gets their hands on an extremely rare antidote, there's nothing that can stop them mutating into these ghoulish creatures.

At least, that's what you're told.

In battle, you are guaranteed to be swiped at by the rakghouls on a number of occasions. Even though rakghouls are pretty hard to kill, (especially when they come at you in large numbers), it's impossible for your character to get infected by these little buggers.

At first, you might think you're immune to the disease because you're a Force wielder. But since your allies are also resistant to the infection despite not being attuned with the Force, this theory doesn't hold water.

Annoyingly, this inconsistency could've been cleared up if it was explained that some people have an immunity to the disease. But since nothing like this isn't mentioned, we are left with a blatant plothole.

In this post: 
Uncharted 4
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