10 Obvious Video Game Plot Holes NO ONE Talks About

3. Super Nova IS The Meteor Sephiroth Needs - Final Fantasy VII

uncharted 4 elena
Square Enix

In Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth is driven insane after learning he was created from extra-terrestrial DNA for a genetic experiment. Consumed with rage, he summons a meteor that will collide into Earth in a matter of days, killing everyone.

But during the final battle, Sephiroth's plan seems a bit nonsensical once he performs his most iconic attack, Super Nova.

This magical spell calls upon a meteor to enter the Solar System, obliterating Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter, before causing the Sun to explode, because why not. The blast engulfs Mercury and Venus before devastating Earth, leaving your party with a fraction of health.

But if Sephiroth can conjure this spell any time he wants, why is he stuck conjuring a far slower and weaker meteor to destroy Earth? Of all the possible attacks Sephiroth could've had, why did the developers give him one that contradicts the entire plot?

It's also odd how this enchantment can't kill your party, despite the fact it destroys a chunk of the Milky Way galaxy. Super Nova may be epic and cinematic, but it doesn't make a lick of sense.

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Uncharted 4
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