10 Obvious Video Game Plot Holes NO ONE Talks About

2. Unemployment Is A Serious Problem... Supposedly - Detroit: Become Human

uncharted 4 elena
Quantic Dream

Detroit: Become Human takes place in a future where androids have become commonplace. Being easy and cheap to manufacture, it isn't long before the workplace mostly consists of these lifelike robots. This inevitably leads to a serious social gap, causing unemployment in Michigan to skyrocket. With humans growing resentful and an android uprising looming, society looks like its ready to tear itself apart.

Even though Detroit has a fascinating premise, there's one crucial element in the plot that doesn't sit right.

The story emphasises how the dependency on androids has caused the city to experience an astounding 35% unemployment. But if you weren't told this, the player wouldn't notice over a third of the population is out of a job.

Even though The Great Depression was the worst financial period in US history, unemployment was never higher than 25%. If Detroit's unemployment was 35%, (and eventually increases to 40%) the city should be in absolute chaos.

You do see a few protestors and homeless people throughout the streets, but nothing to suggest the city was on the verge of economical collapse.

In this post: 
Uncharted 4
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