10 OBVIOUS Video Game Plot Holes (That Actually Aren't)

8. Assassin's Creed 3 - How Did Haytham Know That Connor Was His Son?

Bioshock game

When Haytham Kenway first encountered Connor in Assassin's Creed 3 players were more than a little confused that Haytham recognized him, even though the two had never met.

And yet, this makes perfect sense.

Charles Lee, Haytham’s associate, first met Connor as a young boy outside of his village.

From another associate, Benjamin Church, Haytham learned that the same boy had come to Church asking for Lee’s location. Critically, Church later identified the native American assassin who fought against the British at the Boston Tea Party as that same boy.

Haytham also knew of Achilles Davenport, and knew of the homestead and its Assassin affiliation. Upon learning that the estate was being rebuilt and that a young Native American was managing it, and recalling its proximity to the village where he met Connor's mother, it would not have been difficult for someone as smart as Haytham to connect the dots.

Thus Haytham did not need to recognise Connor – he only needed to find that Native American assassin. Do so, and he knew he would be face-to-face with his son.

Ubisoft is often accused of bad writing, but by rewarding the player’s diligent detective work, this was a case of real brilliance.

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Marcellus Huisamen hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.