10 Most Offensive Portrayals Of Men In Gaming

5. Dante - The Man-Child (Devil May Cry)

One of the favourite male stereotypes in movies and TV is that of the "man child", played to perfection by actors like Will Ferrell, Kevin James, Adam Sandler and John C. Reilly. Despite clearly being grown adults, they're stuck in a stage of emotional arrested development, and the same can be said of Devil May Cry's Dante, a guy who without question is an excellently skilled fighter, but has all the emotional resource of a baked potato. Dante loves sitting around eating pizza and goofing off, and frankly, who doesn't? But that doesn't make him a man-child: it's his aloof arrogance to everything going on around him, and the fact that, especially in last year's reboot, he defers to foul language far more often than necessary. Hearing Dante having swearing matches with other characters just makes him seem immature and stunted: yes, adults swear a lot in reality, but as much as I liked the DmC reboot, this was probably my least-favourite aspect of the game. Dante's youthful personality accounts for a lot of his charm, but sometimes it's a little grating too.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.