10 Open World Video Games That Mock You For Exploring

7. Far Cry 6

Sunset Overdrive

Much as the Far Cry games are all about exploring vast locations and ticking off everything on the Ubisoft open world checklist, Far Cry 6 had a ridiculous surprise for those who attempted to see how far away from the Caribbean island of Yara they could actually get.

In step with the series' many infamous alternate/joke endings, Far Cry 6 allows players to get in a boat and just... sail away from Yara before they've bothered to confront dictator Antón Castillo (Giancarlo Esposito).

But in order to hammer home that the game really doesn't want you to sail off the map into the endless expanse of Caribbean ocean - as beautiful as it looks - you'll receive an on-screen warning that you're leaving Yara and urging you to turn around.

Ignore the message, though, and you'll be treated to an ending cinematic set three months later, where protagonist Dani is shown relaxing on a beach in Miami, beer in hand, while a radio news report reveals that Castillo has defeated the guerrilla uprising and solidified his iron grip over the nation.

Basically, this thoroughly tongue-in-cheek ending gently shames you for taking the easy way out, showing what would become of Yara without your committed intervention.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.