10 Open World Video Games That Mock You For Exploring

6. Prototype

Sunset Overdrive

Cult fave action-adventure game Prototype takes place in a virus-obliterated Manhattan, where the U.S. military attempts to contain the outbreak by blocking all exits from Manhattan Island.

Nobody could blame you for paying a visit to one of Manhattan's most iconic landmarks, Manhattan Bridge, yet if you dare to get close enough, you'll find yourself bombarded with a battery from the assembled Marines, who have set up base on the bridge and really, really don't want you to cross it.

Yet given that protagonist Alex Mercer is himself a superhuman shapeshifter, the player is absolutely able to vault past the military blockade and try to cross the bridge in order to reach Downtown Brooklyn.

To stop players from doing this, though, you won't merely be assailed with an increasingly aggressive barrage of missiles - the camera will also shift to an awkward, distant, angled perspective where you take up just a small portion of the screen.

Evidently this is a rather passive-aggressive move by developers Radical Entertainment to try and coax you back to Manhattan proper, by simply refusing to let the camera play ball and follow you to the end of the bridge.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.