10 Optional Video Game Boss Fights You Totally Missed

1. Sekiro - Lady Butterfly

sekiro lady butterfly

Rounding out this list is... another Sekiro boss! Seriously, this list alone could have been entirely FromSoftware entries.

Now, I'm sure you purists out there won't see this as an optional boss, but you'd be surprised how many can miss it. The parts that allow you to travel to the past are integral to Sekiro's different endings, but the means to get there isn't immediately spelled out for you. It's quite hard to miss the little old lady holding the necessary bell, after all.

Speaking of little old ladies, Lady Butterfly is no pushover. Neither is getting to her, either, as you have to battle a sub-boss en route.

The thing is, you need to take out this former ally if you want the "true" ending. Whilst events play out differently the second time you come back, if you haven't taken her out, you're blocked off from doing so.

Whilst not as bad as the other boss you fight in this location, the madame Butterfly can mess you up big time at early levels. She's a classic case of, "just because you can come here early on, doesn't mean you should".

You have been warned...

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.