10 Optional Video Game Boss Fights You Totally Missed

9. Illusion Of Time/Gaia - Gem The Jeweler

sekiro lady butterfly
Square Enix

Collectibles in games are usually meant to be fun, right? Little extras to enhance the experience and such.

Illusion of Time (or Gaia if you're stateside) is a game already full of adventure, so what's a little extra in this massive, world-spanning game? You're taken from the Great Wall of China to the Nazca Plain, why not explore a little more.

From the very start of the game, there's a travelling jeweler named Gem (fittingly) that wants you to find and send him fifty red jewels. These are scattered across the towns and dungeons, and will net you some rewards at certain milestones. So, you might think, bagging all fifty will grant you something nice. Certainly seems that way when Gem invites you to his hidden mansion for finding them all.

But that hope turns to fear when it transpires that Gem is actually Solid Arm, aka Metal Mantis, from Enix's previous game Soul Blazer. You've aided his resurrection, unwittingly. And he seemed so nice...

Purely an optional boss, you wouldn't even have known if you'd missed a couple along the way. Probably for the best.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.