10 Otherworldly Video Game Enemies That Were Once Human

9. Skeleton King - Diablo (1996)

Dead Space Necromorph

In life, King Leoric was the ruler of Khanduras, benevolent in his leadership until the influence of Diablo, the Lord of Terror, led him down a dark path. The corruption brought about a madness in the strong-willed man, and when Diablo took possession of his son, Albrecht, Leoric laid waste to his kingdom, forcing one of his own knights to put him down.

But in death, the madman's wrath was even greater. Buried in the Tristram Cathedral, King Leoric's bones were reanimated by Diablo, giving rise to the fearsome undead warrior, the Skeleton King.

Entering the King's tomb, the player is greeted with a bone-chilling message: "The warmth of life has entered my tomb. Prepare yourself, mortal, to serve my master for eternity!" All those childhood nightmares aside, you know you're in for a unique fight.

The Skeleton King himself stands a good few feet taller than the player and is surrounded by an army of undead skeletons. He is seemingly held together by dark magic, and capable of using necromancy to summon more skeletons during the battle.

Despite his death at the hands of his son, Aidan, Leoric reappears in Diablo III as the Skeleton King once again, showing that Diablo is not quite done with him yet.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.