10 OTT Gaming Moments Too Gross To Handle

4. Silent Hills P.T - Sink Baby

God of War Ascension

The Silent Hill series is full of ominous, chilling and disturbing imagery, not least of all the infamous Pyramid Head sex scene. However, despite its brevity, it's P.T. that arguably left the biggest lasting impression on horror fans and the gaming community.

The entire demo is one big nightmare. Players find themselves walking around an endless corridor of the same house over and over, with slight changes occurring that affect the game play. You have to solve some pretty obscure clues and puzzles, eventually revealing a not fully human looking baby, covered in blood, writhing in a sink.

If you listen to the clues around the house, you're lead to believe that this is the unborn child of a woman whose husband shot her in the stomach whilst pregnant. It's very upsetting for all sorts of reasons, and definitely the most depressing moment on this list.

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God of War
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