10 OTT Gaming Moments Too Gross To Handle

3. Dead Space 2 - Laser Eye Surgery

God of War Ascension

As is the case with most horror series, there are a lot of gooey moments to choose from. Dead Space has seen some really excellent alien zombie hybrids, with lots of scenes of them reassembling some poor victim's face. However, if you've played the Dead Space games, chances are this is the first thing you think of. This is without question THE moment.

You're forced to watch Isaac Clarke give himself eye surgery with a big ol' needle. You can't look away, even if you want to, because you're controlling the needle. It also doesn't help that the reasons why the operation needs to take place are complete nonsense and are just there to justify one of the most unforgettable and unnecessarily horrific moments in gaming history.

It's also quite fiddly to do, so, chances are you'll mess it up first time, which sucks, because now you need to keep repeating it until you get it right.

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God of War
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