10 Out Of NOWHERE Video Game Transformations
6. Marvel's Guardians Of The Galaxy- Guided By Voices
After the dismal reception to Square Enix's Avengers game (let's just agree: wasn't great), the pressure was on for Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy. Could it surpass that mess and carry over the goofiness of the films? Thankfully, yes.
For the most part, MGotG is a run-of-the-mill shooter. But what makes it enjoyable is the lightness of tone and fun the team mostly have. Which hits its peak with the space-llama singalong moment.
Yes, you read that right.
Long story short, the Guardians are all locked in their bedrooms, like grounded teenagers. Their only hope of escape is the space-llama they acquired at the beginning of the game. The catch? It doesn't listen to simple commands.
What it does respond to, however, is the crew's singing. Using a combination of repulsion and attraction, especially the former with Gamora, players will need to direct the creature around the ship's lounge. To the tune of "Don't Worry, Be Happy" no less.
It's a completely one-off moment that makes no sense in this explanation, granted. Truly a "see it to believe it" sequence, it was an unexpected moment of levity in one of the game's downer moments.