1. Everything is Free-To-Play but Nothing Is Free
Eventually, in response to the rampant internet piracy that is supposedly eating the gaming industry from the inside like a cancer, I predict that all games will be free to own. However, doing anything within the game will cost you money. "Congratulations, you have completed the tutorial. Simply enter your credit card details and approve payment of £1 to proceed to level 1!" And so on. How do we avert this dystopian gaming future? We simply stop doing anything to hurt the games industry, which means no more illegal downloading. Yeah, right, like that'll happen. The only way people will stop illegally downloading games from torrent sites is if game dev/pubs stop charging £50 for wildly inferior products, like Halo: ODST for example. And since that'll literally never happen, I can honestly see free-to-play (but not really) video games becoming the done thing in the not too distant future. So there are nine predictions for the future of gaming. I
did say they'd be outlandish. Anything you'd like to add to the mix? Do let us in on it!