10 Outrageously Dirty Secrets You Won’t Believe Are Hidden In Children’s Games

Did you know the Pokemon world was stuffed with perverts?

If you've ever played Conker's Bad Fur Day, you'll be familiar with a game that throws off its shackles and sticks a big middle finger up to the people that tell it what it has to be. Conker's adventure is crass, rude, crude, inappropriate, risque, bloody, violent and various other words associated with being bad. Considering its cutesy N64 era look, when Donkey Kong, Mario and co were all running around collecting items, Conker stood out like a sore thumb that had been bashed repeatedly with a spiked baseball bat. Yep, that game was meant to be like that. But what of other kids games? They're meant to be whimsical, flashy, pretty and fun little adventures to get the kiddiewinks hooked into the world of gaming. Many have succeeded at this task. But did you know that behind some of these games, there lies clearly inappropriate content surely not intended for the target audience? Join us on our journey through the hidden deceptions of children's gaming. Just give this button a click and we'll get started.
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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.