10 Outrageously Dirty Secrets You Won’t Believe Are Hidden In Children’s Games
5. Alex's Vanishing Clothing Alex Kidd In The Enchanted Castle
Although it never saw the light of day over here in the West, the original Japanese version of Alex Kidd In The Enchanted Castle had several rather risque elements that were chopped out of the version that was eventually released over here. That's probably for the best to be honest, the content within this game probably wasn't suitable at all for the tender minds of the youth over here. Meanwhile, in Japan, countless children were exposed to this every single day. So what was the offending content? Well, in Alex Kidd, you can play Rock, Paper, Scissors. In the Japanese version, if you lost, your character's clothes would then vanish and you'd end up wearing absolutely nothing except a fig leaf. If a female loses, she has three fig leaves for her boobs and crotchly parts. In the Western version, you're crushed under a huge weight instead. The Japanese version also had a place known as Bikini Town, which was also renamed for the Western release. We live sheltered lives over here in the west, people.
Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.