10 Outstanding Current Gen Video Games You Wrongly Overlooked

8. Super Lucky's Tale

Ruiner game

Something far too rare these days is AAA 3D platformers. Studios have moved away from the genre, leaving Nintendo to be basically the only one developing them. However, every so often, other studios take the initiative and put out a quality platformer. Super Lucky's Tale is a quality example of underrated goodness that can come from studios taking a chance on this genre.

Now, Super Lucky's Tale isn't a trailblazer and it's no instant classic, but it offers a smooth, enjoyable playing experience for anyone who tries it out. Levels take the form of fully-explorable 3D maps, 2D-style sidescrollers, or non-too-difficult puzzles.

In between levels is a selection of different hub worlds, each special and charming in its own right. Moment-to-moment gameplay is solid, and when every component in SLT is working, it feels like the game Yooka-Laylee should've been.

Is it the new Banjo-Kazooie? Not quite. It is quite simplistic and is undoubtedly meant for children, but it's still a quality game that can work as your first platformer or your thirtieth. If given a greater budget and sense of freedom, a sequel could make Super Lucky's Tale something even more on par with Rare's greatest works.

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Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.