10 Overhyped Video Game Storylines That Actually Went Nowhere

4. Ares' Soul - God Of War

Batman Arkham Origins Shiva

The God of War series has undergone a lot of changes between Kratos' crusade in Greece and his subsequent journey up north.

Due to this shift, the series has dropped several plot points in favour of developing a new storyline, and this includes one of the most hyped-up mysteries in the series.

Kratos' throne room in God of War 1 features an easter egg where the player can discover a secret phone number that, when called, reveals that the Spartan keeps Ares' souls within the chamber that, for some reason, is visible only to him.

At the time of the game's release, this revelation was the cause of a huge wave of speculation among the fans, who wondered if the mention of Ares' soul could mean the return of the Greek gods or maybe even their transformation into their Roman counterparts.

Unfortunately, this potential storyline was never picked up on in future instalments again, and with the two new titles separating themselves from the Greek pantheon entirely, it seems all the speculating fans will never see a resolution to their theories.

Well, it seems Kratos didn't lie when he said only he could see Ares' soul...

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.