10 Overlooked Video Games By Great Publishers

1. Shadow Of Memories - Konami

The Warriors

Though Konami has shifted away from console games towards the lucrative mobile gaming market in recent years, there's no arguing with their iconic status in the industry, having published the likes of Metal Gear, Silent Hill, Castlevania, Contra, Suikoden, and Pro Evolution Soccer.

But a few months before they released the incredible Silent Hill 2, Konami quietly dropped a similarly engrossing mystery romp scarcely talked about today - Shadow of Memories (or if you're American, Shadow of Destiny).

Directed by Suikoden co-creator Junko Kawano, Shadow of Memories sees protagonist Eike Kusch travelling through time in an attempt to solve and even prevent his own murder.

The player's actions in the past reverberate through the timeline, affecting subsequent gameplay, but as ingenious a hook as this was, the game's lack of combat likely prevented it from becoming a major sales success.

As a result, Shadow of Memories quickly evaporated into the pop-culture ether, and even with subsequent releases on Xbox, PC, and PSP, it's barely talked about almost 25 years later beyond the occasional retrospective article.

Given its staggering level of ambition and creativity, it clearly deserves better. Remake, when?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.