10 Overlooked Video Games That Were WAY Ahead Of Their Time

7. Far Cry 2

soul reaver 2

Despite Far Cry's status as one of Ubisoft's flagship franchises, the two entries pre-Far Cry 3 have been mostly forgotten by Ubisoft and fans of the series. This is a shame in the case of 2, since it's a really fun ride, and drastically ahead of the time in which it came out.

You can feel the DNA of many games that would come out after it in the moment-to-moment gameplay of Far Cry 2. From its survival mechanics, which now dominate the indie game market, to its minimalist story that allows the player to make their own fun, Far Cry 2 got the ball rolling on a lot of the ideas that have swept across the industry in recent years.

But since it came out before a decent chunk of you reading this were even born, it gets swept under the rug in favor of games that came after it which copied its homework. For that and many other reasons (not the least of which is that it's way better than most recent Far Cry games) Far Cry 2 desperately needs more respect put on its name.

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Soul Reaver
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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?