10 Overpowered Video Game Items Created UNINTENTIONALLY

8. Transform Into A Dragon Snapper Scroll - Gothic II

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Piranha Bytes

Gothic II is a cult classic RPG that some fans consider more difficult than modern releases due to its peculiar combat system and slow-level progression.

However, these fans forget that transformation spells exist—more specifically, a magic scroll called the Transform into a Dragon Snapper Scroll that you can purchase in Khorinis shortly after starting the game.

What the item lacks in creative naming conventions, it makes up for in the ridiculously overpowered effects of its magic.

You see, the creature it lets you turn into has an odd attack pattern that becomes deadly when wielded by the player.

The Dragon Snapper's bites deal huge amounts of damage, even when you're level 1, and can stunlock any creature, making you virtually impervious to any attacks.

The Snapper form can kill everything in the starting location with ease, and the transformation lasts long enough to let you actually travel across the entire map!

By the time you're done with the scroll, you will have killed so many enemies that you will max out your character's level and play the rest of the game on easy mode.

Huh. Who would've thought letting the player transform into a giant, ravenous lizard ten minutes into the game could completely break it?

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.