10 Overpowered Video Game Items Created UNINTENTIONALLY

5. Reverse Rain Cloak - Baldur's Gate 3

baldurs gate 3 rain cloak
Larian Studios

In Baldur's Gate 3's third act, your character can visit an interdimensional circus where a mischievous (read: impulsive and murderous) djinn runs a scam with a rigged spinning wheel that always lands on the losing spot.

Until you find a way to outsmart the djinn, his game will reward you with useless joke artifacts, like a bottle of infinite alcohol that sometimes turns into acid or a throwing axe that always returns to its wielder blade-first.

The djinn's consolation "prizes" range from useless to downright harmful, but one of them, the Reverse Rain Cloak, is secretly one of the most powerful healing items in the game.

The cloak, as its name suggests, always makes its wearer wet instead of protecting them from rain. This in itself is a useless attribute, but combined with the Weavemother's Robe that you get in the quest "Avenge the Drowned," the cloak's wet effect is a work of art.

You see, the robe's enchantment heals your character each turn that they are wet, meaning that if you put on your always-wet cloak, you get free, unlimited heals in and out of battle!

The developers probably didn't anticipate their joke items to have such amazing properties, but it's their loss.

Forget magic and potions! All you need to stay immortal is a slightly damp piece of cloth!

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.