10 Overpowered Video Game Items Created UNINTENTIONALLY

2. Suzuki Escudo - Gran Turismo 3

baldurs gate 3 rain cloak
Polyphony Digital & YouTube: Azza

The Gran Turismo franchise has always put great emphasis on realism, ensuring that every single one of their simulated races is as immersive as the real deal.

Unfortunately for the developers' ambitions, their third installment didn't account for a small exploit that allows one of its slower cars to reach mach speed and beyond with nothing more than the awesome power of wheelies.

In Gran Turismo 3, the Suzuki Escudo model has become infamous for its ability to win any race, even against much faster opponents, by utilizing the buggy shape of its exterior.

Its low frame combined with its somewhat flat back allows the car to put itself on its back wheels when it reaches a high enough speed, which in turn confuses the game's engine and causes it to accelerate rapidly.

Using this method, the Escudo can accelerate way past its speed limits, going faster than the speed of light and winning any race that you throw at it.

Huh. Who knew defying the very laws of physics was as simple as buying a single sports car?

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.