10 Overpowered Video Game Items Created UNINTENTIONALLY

1. Crissaegrim - Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

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Crissaegrim is a rare blade from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night that has a small chance to drop from a Schmoo when you travel through the Forbidden Library level.

The sword is considered one of the best weapons by the game's community thanks to its great damage output, wide area of effect, and incredible ability to do four slash attacks with a single hit.

This already makes Crissaegrim quite powerful, but because the blade is a one-handed weapon, you can actually double all of the effects above by equipping a second Crissaegrim, turning the great into broken, as Alucard becomes a dhampir lawnmower that cannot be touched by anything within his radius.

The combined slashing power of two Crissaegrims is so great, in fact, that you can beat Dracula, the game's final boss, in under thirty seconds.

This may make you wonder if the blade was actually intended to be this deadly, and the short answer is no, it wasn't.

In an anniversary interview, Castlevania creator Koji Igarashi revealed that he and his team didn't realize how unbalanced Crissaegrim was until the game was released due to their inability to play-test everything.

Well, one's obliviousness is another's awesome sword.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.