10 Overpriced Video Game BS You Should AVOID

5. Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare III Is Glorified $70 DLC

Diablo IV

Though it's fair to say that the Call of Duty franchise's best and most innovative days are likely behind it, in the very least each annual release offers up a bevy of worthwhile content between its single-player campaign, multiplayer suite, and Zombies mode.

Yet the franchise's latest offering, Modern Warfare III, is the first that truly feels like glorified DLC that got greedily promoted to full-fat retail release status.

Rumours earlier in the year pointed to 2023's Call of Duty game effectively being an expansion to last year's Modern Warfare II, yet Activision reiterated that it was indeed a legit sequel and priced accordingly at $70.

Yet with early reviews tearing the campaign to shreds for its piecemeal, stapled-together nature, all while the game's multiplayer is set to launch with no new maps whatsoever but simply a glut of remastered maps from the original Modern Warfare 2, it's easy to see why players feel put out.

Couple this with the game launching with no Platinum trophy on PS5, where it's instead listed as DLC for Modern Warfare II, and it's tough not to dismiss the "game" as a piece of upsold DLC curled out by Activision to fulfill their current exclusivity obligations to Sony before their agreement ends next year.

In a year teeming with more quality games than any one person can possibly keep up with, why spend your hard-earned money on cynical slop like this?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.