10 Overused RPG Mechanics That Must Die Next Generation

9. Weapon Durability

Fallout 4

There’s a time and a place for durability. From a developer’s standpoint, there are obvious gameplay benefits to having equipment such as lockpicks, hacking tools and supplements being limited use. Weapons, especially swords and guns? What's the point, besides the fact it’s tradition or it somehow extends the game. The problem only gets worse when every enemy you encounter has a weapon identical to yours that you can pick up but not use as a means for repair. Either it’s an oversight or developers are just stuck in their ways and honestly, I’ve never liked it.

Combining, upgrading and modifying weapons in certain ways is a great spin on weaponry. I could even see the idea of durability being appropriate for said spin. An upgrade is meant to be powerful, if it adds lightning or fire, make that effect wear off after X number of kills or attacks. Don’t, however, make me constantly run back to the gunsmith, the merchant or the crafting bench to repair my gun I just had polished an hour ago. That, is neither realistic nor fun.

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Fallout 4
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A writer of any and all kinds. Lover of video games, films, writing and achievement hunting, as well as streaming.