10 Pathetic Video Game Weapons (That Players Still Used)

Two words: human slingshot.

Kingdom Hearts Axel thumb
Square Enix

So long as games have had wooden training weapons, we've been goofing around trying to use them in situations we maybe weren't supposed to. It's human nature to be given something, told or shown it's useless, and then still try and see when it can work anyways.

And the more ridiculous a video game weapon, the more likely folks are to find some bizarre use from it - or just find joy from using it anyways. The funniest part of all of this? Most of the time, someone finds a way, and makes a pizza or broom way more useful than it was ever intended or has the right to be.

Which really makes video games all the more exciting, as you know that even the dorkiest, most pathetic looking weapon can still have a vital use in just the right context.

Sure, you may not feel like a badass wielding a bar of soap like a nuclear bomb, but when it does the job, it's really only pride that'd stop you from using it to the full extent of its dark, mysterious murdering abilities.

10. Excalipoor - Final Fantasy V

Kingdom Hearts Axel thumb
Square Enix

As a poor twin of Excalibur, Excalipoor is naturally not the best weapon in the world. In fact, it's purposefully terrible, only hitting for a single point of damage each time you attack. It's even used as a bad result for summoning Gilgamesh in Dissidia 12.

However, in a game like Final Fantasy - where hardcore players manage to beat the whole game with their party at super low levels - it was inevitable that someone would find a way to make this trash become treasure.

The use of Excalipoor comes from one crucial detail: it may hit for one damage, but it always hits. As such, if you make it so the weapon causes a status effect on those it hits, it will consistently dole out said status effect, making it a reliable way to poison or stun enemies.

The weapon is also incredibly useful against metal slimes, which have such high damage resistance and evasion that consistently doing one damage to them is actually a godsend. Oh, and if that isn't enough, it can also do incredibly good damage if you throw it. Whoever named it poor didn't try it out enough, basically.


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