10 Pathetic Video Game Weapons (That Players Still Used)

9. The Broom - Assassin's Creed II

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When you're a professional assassin with blades literally hidden up your sleeves, using other weapons might seem a tad redundant - after all, you didn't train up at not nicking your arms accidentally just to not use the damn things.

But this didn't stop a hefty dose of rascally players using the brooms you could find in the game - nicknamed "Brooms of Doom" by sections of the online community - as potentially deadly weapons.

Since the vast majority of your assassin counters count the broom as a weapon akin to a sword more than a wooden stick, you can still absolutely decimate your enemies with it - and with an added bonus of it looking absolutely hilarious.

Even if the second game in the series isn't your favourite, there's something about slitting someone's throat with a dull side of a broom that is just a little special,


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