10 Pathetic Video Game Weapons (That Players Still Used)

8. Plan C - Binding Of Isaac

Kingdom Hearts Axel thumb
Edmund McMillen/ Florian Himsel

With the first Binding of Isaac game boasting a hefty one hundred and ninety-six items you can pick up and equip to your protagonist Isaac, you always knew some of them would suck. When Plan C rocked up - an item that does 9,999,999 damage to everything that isn't you in the room, but that kills you three seconds later - you likely presumed this was just another case of that.

But, for many runs, this item is potentially game breaking. If you have any other item or ability that equals an extra life, you essentially have a get out of jail free card - only instead of getting out of jail free, you're instead getting to off a terrifyingly strong boss later in the game.

This isn't a foolproof plan - for example, if you use it in the fight of Delirium with an item that teleports you out of the room, you'll ultimately have to fight the thing again - but given how useless this weapon initially appears, it has way more uses than you'd initially give it credit for.


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