10 Perfect Short Video Games To Get You Through A Gaming Lull

2. Gone Home

The independent games market is absolutely booming right now and games like Gone Home are at the forefront. It's a very short experience and it won't be to everyone's tastes but if you want to sample something slightly different or you like your stories to be told in unique and interesting ways, Gone Home is well worth a play. The game's story is told entirely through exploration of a family house. The player character Kaitlin returns home to find it abandoned and empty; exploring and searching the house lends clues to her family members' whereabouts. The story develops entirely through this process of exploration, making this more of an experiment in storytelling than a fully fleshed game. Perhaps Gone Home's biggest achievement lies in the way it destroys our perceptions of what we expect from our games. A game set in an abandoned house at midnight might very well turn out to be a horror game but Gone Home instead takes that perception and simply uses it to fuel your nerves and anticipation as you tiptoe around the house. Gone Home might not be the most exhilarating of titles but it explores concepts and ideas not seen in video games before; like in many films and books, it simply offers us a glance at a specific section of a person's life. The high price point may put you off but if you're looking for something new, intriguing and short, Gone Home is probably the best title on the market for you currently.
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I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.