10 Perfect Star Wars Video Game Ideas Everyone Is Ignoring
Why the hell didn't we get a Bounty Hunter sequel?!
Unless youve been living under a rock for the last few months, you'll be fully aware of Star Wars Episode VII's unprecedented success. Even though weve all had time to sit down and digest it, the hype train keeps rolling on as teasers for spin-offs and the next couple of films are thrust into the public eye. Theres never been a better time to market a Star Wars game its got all the exposure any company could ever need. Over the years, there have been a LOT of Star Wars games in a wide variety of genres and on a multitude of platforms. Weve had movie tie-ins which just retell the plot in an interactive way, a bunch of different FPS titles, war simulators like Battlefront, dogfighters like Rogue Squadron and even a couple of racing games, at least one of which is actually quite good. That said, unless they're done supremely well, many Star Wars titles tend to get thrown on the pile after serving their purpose for a limited time. Still, amongst this vast mythology, there are a few really good ideas which were somehow never thought of or just never made the cut in the boardroom. Here are the best ideas for Star Wars games that are simply crying out to be made.