10 Perfect Video Game Ideas EVERYONE Is Ignoring

8. Open-World Spy Game

GTA Jurassic Park
IO Interactive

There are plenty of games out there that feature spies, whether it's of the Solid Snake or Sam Fisher variety. But what we really want is a realistic, down-to-earth spy game. Better yet, simply drop us into an open-world setting and let us go to town. Bonus points if it's set during the swinging 60s, right in the middle of the Cold War.

This setting isn't entirely untapped, as the criminally-underrated No One Lives Forever also explored this fascinating time period. But while star Cate Archer is one of gaming's unsung female heroes, the game skewed pretty deep into the campy super-spy tropes.

Instead of a first-person shooter, the dream open-world spy game would be rife with intrigue and political strife. Intricate and complicated personal relationships between your spy and their supporting cast would help to solidify the world, at which point we must ask for character creation.

Think of something like the new Hitman games, mixed with elements from the Nemesis system featured in WB's LOTR games. A spy sandbox, featuring a world that reacts to your every move, where any mission could be your last.

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Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.