10 Perfect Video Game Ideas EVERYONE Is Ignoring

2. Nintendo All-Stars (Kingdom Hearts-Style Crossover)

GTA Jurassic Park

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has made one thing very clear to us over the years; people go absolutely nuts for shared universes. Seeing characters you love team-up and interact with each other is a simple joy, which has grown into an entire industry in itself.

Nintendo has jumped into the fray with party games like Smash Bros. and Mario Kart, but just imagine for a moment if they took the Kingdom Hearts approach and crafted a huge JRPG or adventure game with their entire roster. You could team Mario up with Samus and Link, utilizing all their different abilities in battle.

You could even start the game in the Mushroom Kingdom, where Bowser's latest scheme results in a rip in the universe that opens up the entire Nintendoverse. Mario finds himself in an unfamiliar kingdom, that of Hyrule and you're off to the races.

Better yet, because of all the different types of games that Nintendo's characters inhabit, there are so many different types of things you could do in the game. You could have Star Fox-style rail shooter sequences and fast-paced F-Zero races.

Combine that with running around through different Nintendo worlds, seeing your favorites team up and you've got to have a surefire winner on your hands.

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Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.